
Parent letter

Dear Parents and Carers,


New Term  - Change of Start Date Arrangements


Monday 4th January 2021 - A Remote Learning Day at Home


I am writing to advise you that on Monday 4th January the children should remain at home for a

remote learning day. Teachers will provide work for the children to do at home on this day.


Children will return to school as normal on Tuesday 5th January 2021.

The reason for this is to give the senior leadership team in the school the chance to review the COVID situation in terms of staffing and pupils at the beginning of term and to make plans for the school. The remote learning day is suggested by the Local Authority and supported by the Governing Body.


COVID 19 Contact Tracing During the Christmas Holiday Period and

New School COVID Email Address


The DfE has asked schools to continue their role in COVID 19 Contact

Tracing during the holiday up to 24th December.


Please see the attached letter with details. This is based on a model letter from the Local Authority.

We have set up a new email address purely for COVID notifications.


With immediate effect, please notify the school about all things COVID-symptoms/test results/isolations via this new email address below. Do not use the admin or welfare email addresses.

Thank you.



With best wishes,


Linda Chesworth

Head Teacher
