
Late/Absence Procedures

For children to progress in their education, it is vital that they attend school on time every day. Missing just five minutes of education at the start of each school day adds up to 15 hours lost learning time over the whole year. This is the equivalent of three school days.


As a school we carefully monitor all attendance and lateness, and work alongside educational welfare officers to address absence issues.


In the event of lateness or absence, please note the following procedures:



Our classroom doors are closed every day at 8:50am. If you arrive later than this you must bring your child to the main office for them to be signed in.



All absences must be reported either in person to the main office or by phone (01279 435850) on the first day of absence. The school will determine whether an absence is authorised or unauthorised. Absences for holidays, shopping, birthday treats, and non-urgent medical and dental appointments will not be authorised.


Please see the flyer, below, for further information.

