

PE Progression Map 2023-24

PE Intent – Implementation – Impact Statement

Sports Premium Documents.


Please click on the below link to see our Sports Premium documents

Competition Roundup – Autumn 2


Another fantastic half-term of sports at Milwards! Across the school, children have been highly engaged in PE lessons with Multiskills, Tag Rugby, Gymnastics, Boccia, and Swimming all happening across the school.


This half-term, a mixture of children have represented Milwards with pride and determination at some fantastic competitions and festivals. Please see below the wonderful photos from this half-term’s events.


Does your child attend any sports clubs outside of school?

We would love to celebrate the healthy lifestyles our children lead with as many children as possible sharing what they do outside of school to keep themselves fit and healthy.

Please send in a photo of your child participating in their outside of school activities. For example, them in their football, karate, or dance kit. Please make sure no other children are included in the photograph.

Please send all photos to:  



Competition Roundup – Autumn 1


It has been a busy half-term for the Milwards football teams. Across the school, children have trained, practised, and refined their football skills to reach their fullest potential and represent Milwards with pride at several cross-town football competitions. Win, draw or lose, the children always carry themselves with confidence and enthusiasm. At every event, the children are supportive of one another, the other teams and our partner school, Henry Moore. Every adult that has had the pleasure of attending the events comments on how well behaved and well-mannered all children are, thanking the referees and shaking the hands of their opposition. To say we are proud would be an understatement!



A huge thank you to Mrs Blackmore, who has supported all the children and teachers to deliver high-quality football lessons, the football teams with extra coaching to prepare them for the competitions and ensure they are prepared for the day, looking very smart in their kits.  


Thank you to the Mark Hall sports Centre and Langley Colts football team, who lend up their minibus to use as transport to and from the events.


Thank you to the parents/ carers of all competition attendees for consenting for your children to attend, making sure they are attending every day at school and extra coaching sessions and sending them ready on the day for the competitions.  


King Regards,


Mr Smith

PE Coordinator







Useful Websites
